Posted on March 11, 2011 at 8:45 PM
HOUSTON -- Doctors are using music therapy to help some of the Texas Medical Center's smallest patients.
Christine Neugeubauer is one of only four music therapists in the Texas Medical Center. Children’s Memorial Hermann hospital started its program two years ago.
"It was really exciting for me to develop the program here and to still develop it,” she said.
Twice a week, along with one-on-one sessions, little patients get music medicine.
"Recent medical studies show that music therapy helps children develop. In babies, it helps them gain weight faster and gets them out of the hospital sooner," Neugeubauer said.
Neugebauer has launched a study to further prove the benefits of Music Therapy.
Music therapy is helping to change the life of Daniel Lopez, who has been at the hospital for a year and counting.
Daniel was born with Down Syndrome. He had holes in his heart and is missing most of his esophagus. Daniel hardly uses his hands because he's been hooked up, poked and prodded, for so long.
"Music therapy actually, like contributes to his development," Neugeubauer said.
Marcela Trujillo says after a week of music therapy, her son could sit up longer and was more responsive.
Those reactions are milestones.
"He can reach like, actually, the toys,” she said.
His therapist agreed.
"I definitely today noticed he's using his upper body more,” Neugeubauer said.
Allison Triarsi / 11 News
I use RAV Vast music therapy all the time it helps me focus concentrate majorly when I use the therapy. Everyday I listen to music and my thoughts are clear. RAV Vast are my music therapy hand drum.